CRAVE – Dale Mabry:
8411 N Dale Mabry Hwy
Tampa, FL 33614
*Drive-thru drop-off is located at the back of the church.
CRAVE – East Lake:
6616 E Chelsea St.
Tampa, FL 33610
*Youth Center located in the building closest to the basketball court.
CRAVE – Wesley Chapel:
9020 Imperial Oak Blvd
Tampa, FL 33647
*Youth Center located in the choir room.
CRAVE Nights are our CRAVE Services for students and are led by students! CRAVE Nights happen every Wednesday with the exception of city nights, doors open at 6PM at our Dale Mabry campus. Students will experience community, games, giveaways, live vibrant worship, and a biblical and relatable message that can be applied to their everyday life.
CRAVE Groups are our large groups where students are able to have biblical discussions and real conversations about life, and current events, and explore how to address these situations through the Word. CRAVE Groups are unique as they are led by questions. We not only allow students to ask questions, but we help guide them to answer the questions themselves as well. CRAVE Groups are held on the following days and times at each campus:
Dale Mabry: Sundays at 11:30 AM in the CRAVE Youth Room
East Lake: Sundays at 10:30 AM in the CRAVE Student Center
Wesley Chapel: Sunday’s 10:30 AM 9020 Imperial Oak Blvd, Tampa, FL 33647
On the first Sunday of each month, CRAVE students sit together in the main auditorium for our Sunday Worship Experience, to engage in worship and the message.
CRAVE Discipleship is an 8-week intense small group course where students are encouraged to deepen connections and conversations with each other. Discipleship is split into Fall and Spring sessions held on Sunday evenings from 6 PM – 7:15 PM, registration is required to join a Discipleship group. Here is where long-lasting relationships are formed between students and leaders.
CRAVE Creatives is a place where students can express themselves through art, photography, and videography. This group is geared towards everyone no matter your creative experience. Here, you will learn to grow and develop your creative side and put it into practice by being plugged into the citylife creative team. CRAVE Creatives meet on the first two Wednesday Nights of the month, from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at the Dale Mabry Campus.
Students who call citylife church home are asked to get involved in everything we do. They’re plugged into CRAVE groups, services, local community events and outreaches. They volunteer. They give their resources. They’re not waiting to make an impact. Students are making a difference right now.
CRAVE is on the front lines leading in our church and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We believe this present generation of students has the potential to be used by God in a way that surpasses every other generation in history.
We encourage all students to participate in our CRAVE Serve Days throughout the year.

The citylife church APP is the perfect way to get instant updates on what’s going on with CRAVE, register and pay for upcoming events, or anything else you might need. Download it today.
8411 N. Dale Mabry Hwy., Tampa, FL, 33614 | 813.933.3991
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